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Mitglied werden Mitglied werden SBK-Mitglied werden: So geht's Das sagen unsere Versicherten Auszeichnungen Infomaterial bestellen SBK empfehlen Ausbildung Studium Beruf Selbstständigkeit Familie Beratung & Leistungen Beratung & Leistungen Alternative Medizin Ausland Beratung & Services Gesundheit & Behandlung E-Health Pflege Schwangerschaft & Familie Vorsorge & Prävention Zahngesundheit Alternative Medizin Akupunktur Homöopathie & Homöopathen-Suche Osteopathie & Osteopathen-Suche Ausland SBK-Auslandsberatung EU Krankenversicherungskarte Reiseschutzimpfungen Beratung & Services Persönliche Kundenberatung Gesundheitsservices SBK-Terminservice SBK-Gesundheitstelefon Zuzahlung und Erstattung Gesundheit & Behandlung Arbeitsunfähigkeit (eAU) Ärztliche Zweitmeinung Arzneimittel & Verbandmittel Arzt und Klinik Brillen und Hilfsmittel Chronische Erkrankungen Heilmittel Krankengeld Krebserkrankungen Kuren und Rehabilitation Psychische Gesundheit Unterstützende Leistungen Organspende E-Health Apps und digitale Angebote Digitale Services Pflege Formulare & Anträge für Pflegeleistungen Pflegebedarf was nun Leistungen nach Pflegegrad Pflege zu Hause Pflege im Pflegeheim Pflegende Angehörige Patientenverfügung & Vorsorgevollmacht Schwangerschaft & Familie Schwangerschaft & Geburt Vorsorge & Prävention für Kinder Behandlung Kinderkrankengeld Vorsorge & Prävention Früherkennung Gesundheitsangebote Impfungen SBK-Bonusprogramm Zahngesundheit Professionelle Zahnreinigung Kieferorthopädische Behandlung Zahnvorsorge Zahnbehandlungen und Zahnfüllungen Zahnersatz Versicherung & Tarife Versicherung & Tarife Anträge & Formulare Beiträge Familienversicherung Pflegeversicherung Wahltarife Zusatzversicherungen SBK-Gesundheitskarte Beiträge Beitragssatz Beitragsrechner Arbeitnehmer Auszubildende und Schüler Studenten Werkstudenten Selbstständige Freiwillig Versicherte Rentnerinnen und Rentner Arbeitslose Wahltarife SBK-Selbstbehalttarif SBK-Krankengeld-Wahltarif für hauptberuflich Selbstständige SBK-Krankengeld-Wahltarif für Kunstschaffende und Publizierende Zusatzversicherungen Ambulante Zusatzversicherung Auslandsreiseversicherung Familien-Zusatzversicherung Krankenhaus Pflege Verdienstausfall Vorsorge Zahn-Zusatzversicherung Basisinformationen Zusatzversicherung SBK-Gesundheitskarte Häufige Fragen Fragen zum Foto PIN und PUK Gesundheitsdaten Magazin Magazin Gesundheitswesen E-Health Ernährung Bewegung Familie Psychologie Medizin Reise Work-Life-Balance Über uns Meine SBK Meine SBK Direkt zum Login Dokumenten-Upload Online-Post Meine Daten Meine Vorgänge Bonusprogramme Anträge und Formulare Mitgliedsbescheinigungen Häufige Fragen Kontakt Kontakt Nachricht senden Rückruf vereinbaren Videoberatung vereinbaren Kundenberater-Suche Geschäftsstellen-Suche Rücknahme Ihrer Kündigung Rücknahme Ihrer Kündigung Danke
Kontakt Menü Mitglied werden Beratung & Leistungen Versicherung & Tarife Magazin Meine SBK Kontakt Mitglied werden SBK-Mitglied werden: So geht's Das sagen unsere Versicherten Auszeichnungen Infomaterial bestellen SBK empfehlen Ausbildung Studium Beruf Selbstständigkeit Familie Beratung & Leistungen Alternative Medizin Ausland Beratung & Services Gesundheit & Behandlung E-Health Pflege Schwangerschaft & Familie Vorsorge & Prävention Zahngesundheit Versicherung & Tarife Anträge & Formulare Beiträge Familienversicherung Pflegeversicherung Wahltarife Zusatzversicherungen SBK-Gesundheitskarte Magazin Gesundheitswesen E-Health Ernährung Bewegung Familie Psychologie Medizin Reise Work-Life-Balance Über uns Meine SBK Direkt zum Login Dokumenten-Upload Online-Post Meine Daten Meine Vorgänge Bonusprogramme Anträge und Formulare Mitgliedsbescheinigungen Häufige Fragen Kontakt Nachricht senden Rückruf vereinbaren Videoberatung vereinbaren Kundenberater-Suche Geschäftsstellen-Suche Rücknahme Ihrer Kündigung Alternative Medizin Akupunktur Homöopathie & Homöopathen-Suche Osteopathie & Osteopathen-Suche Ausland SBK-Auslandsberatung EU Krankenversicherungskarte Reiseschutzimpfungen Beratung & Services Persönliche Kundenberatung Gesundheitsservices SBK-Terminservice SBK-Gesundheitstelefon Zuzahlung und Erstattung Gesundheit & Behandlung Arbeitsunfähigkeit (eAU) Ärztliche Zweitmeinung Arzneimittel & Verbandmittel Arzt und Klinik Brillen und Hilfsmittel Chronische Erkrankungen Heilmittel Krankengeld Krebserkrankungen Kuren und Rehabilitation Psychische Gesundheit Unterstützende Leistungen Organspende E-Health Apps und digitale Angebote Digitale Services Pflege Formulare & Anträge für Pflegeleistungen Pflegebedarf was nun Leistungen nach Pflegegrad Pflege zu Hause Pflege im Pflegeheim Pflegende Angehörige Patientenverfügung & Vorsorgevollmacht Schwangerschaft & Familie Schwangerschaft & Geburt Vorsorge & Prävention für Kinder Behandlung Kinderkrankengeld Vorsorge & Prävention Früherkennung Gesundheitsangebote Impfungen SBK-Bonusprogramm Zahngesundheit Professionelle Zahnreinigung Kieferorthopädische Behandlung Zahnvorsorge Zahnbehandlungen und Zahnfüllungen Zahnersatz Beiträge Beitragssatz Beitragsrechner Arbeitnehmer Auszubildende und Schüler Studenten Werkstudenten Selbstständige Freiwillig Versicherte Rentnerinnen und Rentner Arbeitslose Wahltarife SBK-Selbstbehalttarif SBK-Krankengeld-Wahltarif für hauptberuflich Selbstständige SBK-Krankengeld-Wahltarif für Kunstschaffende und Publizierende Zusatzversicherungen Ambulante Zusatzversicherung Auslandsreiseversicherung Familien-Zusatzversicherung Krankenhaus Pflege Verdienstausfall Vorsorge Zahn-Zusatzversicherung Basisinformationen Zusatzversicherung SBK-Gesundheitskarte Häufige Fragen Fragen zum Foto PIN und PUK Gesundheitsdaten Rücknahme Ihrer Kündigung Danke Arbeitgeberservice Leistungserbringende Karriere Unternehmen Presse & Politik English


Answers to frequently asked questions

Where can I find my health insurance number?

You can find your ten-character health insurance number on your electronic healthcare card. The first character of your health insurance number is always a capital letter.

My account is locked. How do I log in again?

For security reasons, your account is locked for at least one hour after three unsuccessful attempts to log in. You can then try again after this period. We recommend requesting a new password using the Forgotten password service.

Why is the app showing an error message when I enter my postal code?

There can be various reasons for this:

  • You have moved, but have not yet informed SBK of your new address: please tell us your new address by phone or by post (not via email, for reasons of data protection).
  • A carer is in charge of your enquiry: in this case, the postal code of the carer should be entered.
  • You have a foreign postal code: in this case, please enter only the numbers and not the country code to register (example: for the postal code CH-2345, enter 2345).
  • Why is the app showing an error message when I enter my personal data?

    There can be various reasons for this:

  • You are not yet 15 years old: registering for Meine SBK is not possible for those under 15 years of age. Family members appear in the account of the main insurant relative. From the age of 15, an individual registration in Meine SBK is required.
  • There is no current insurance period: this is the case if, for example, you are switching employer and the old employer has registered you but the new employer has not yet sent a registration to SBK.
  • Why was my chosen password not accepted?

    Your password must be

  • 8 to 20 characters long and
  • contain 1 capital letter,
  • 1 lower-case letter,
  • 1 number and
  • 1 special character
  • Why didn’t I receive an activation link after registration?

    Please check your email inbox. Possible reasons include:

  • The email has been moved to your spam folder.
  • Your inbox is full and the email cannot be delivered.
  • You entered an incorrect email address when registering (e.g. with a typo). In this case, please contact our customer service.
  • Why doesn’t the activation link work?

    The activation link is valid for 24 hours. If the link is more than 24 hours old, please request a new activation link using the ‘Forgotten password’ function.

    Which prerequisites are there for using the fingerprint / Touch ID / Face ID features to access the Meine SBK app?

    iOS:  iPhone 5s or higher. In addition, a fingerprint or face must already be saved in the system. Instructions for how to set up Touch ID on the system can be found at . Instructions for how to set up Face ID on the system can be found at

    Android:  Android version 6.0 or higher with support for fingerprint logins. In addition, a fingerprint must already be saved in the system.

    What happens with the fingerprint / Touch ID / Face ID features if I change my password for Meine SBK?

    The fingerprint / Touch ID / Face ID login features are always activated for a specific password. After the password has been changed, a message indicating this will appear when you log in using the fingerprint / Touch ID / Face ID feature. You will then need to enter the password one time. As soon as you have successfully logged in with the new password, the fingerprint / Touch ID / Face ID feature will automatically be linked to the new password and can then be used to log in again.

    Can I use both Touch ID and Face ID on the iPhone?

    No, on iPhones (from iPhone 5s and later), either Touch ID or Face ID is available, never both. Apple seems to be concentrating on Face ID – all new iPhones are equipped with it.

    Who can use the Meine SBK app?

    The Meine SBK app is an exclusive service for Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse customers. We use your health insurance number and date of birth to verify that you are an SBK customer and to assign you your personal consultant.

    As a prospective customer, you are not currently able to use the app.

    Can I use the app without saving my login details?

    Yes, but you will need to enter your health insurance number and your date of birth every time you use the app. Your data will only be saved on the app, secure and encrypted.

    What happens to my data if I delete the app?

    If you uninstall the app, all data you have entered will be permanently deleted. If you install Meine SBK and start using it again, you will need to enter your health insurance number and date of birth again.

    Do I need an internet connection to use the app?

    You will need an internet connection to be able to use the Meine SBK app.

    Why has the download failed, why has a process stopped or why is the app not opening?

    This often occurs when the internet signal is weak. Please check your internet connection: make sure that your device is registered in a mobile network, that you can use this and that the mobile data on your phone is activated. Alternatively, please check that you are connected to a Wi-Fi network and have access to the internet.

    How can I use the Meine SBK app in English?

    The Meine SBK app will automatically be shown in English if the operating system on your device is set to English.

    It is not currently possible to manually change the language.

    Why does the app need permission to access my contacts and the camera and to send notifications?

    The camera is needed for uploading documents. The access to your contacts is necessary so that you can call your personal consultant from the app.

    The sending of notifications is necessary on iOS devices so that you can confirm requests for access (see device registration and two-factor authentication) without logging into the app.

    You can change your consent at any time via the settings on your smartphone.

    What can I do if I want to use a function or form but it won’t open?

    Areas with particularly sensitive data are indicated with a padlock symbol. You can only use these if you have entered the device registration code. You can find out everything you need to know about this under ‘Device registration and two-factor authentication’.

    What can I do if I can’t access my online post?

    Have you already performed two-factor authentication? If not, please use the device registration code to link a smartphone of your choice with your Meine SBK account. You can find out everything you need to know about this under ‘Device registration and two-factor authentication’.

    Common problems related to the device registration code

  • In order to enter the device registration code, please log into Meine SBK first with your existing password. The device registration code does not replace your password. If you no longer remember your password, use the ‘forgotten password’ function first.
  • You can only successfully enter the device registration code once you have logged in using the health insurance number found on your SBK healthcare card. It is possible to log into Meine SBK with other health insurance numbers. However, if you do this, you will receive an error message when entering the device registration code. 

    If you receive this type of error message but you log in using the fingerprint or Face ID feature, you should first disable the fingerprint or Face ID login feature in the app settings, then manually log in using the health insurance number found on your SBK healthcare card and your password, and then once you have successfully logged in manually, re-enable the fingerprint or Face ID login feature in the app settings. The device registration code can be entered successfully using this method.
  • If you share the Meine SBK app with another person on the same smartphone, in some rare cases a device registration code that is actually valid cannot be entered successfully. If this occurs, log into the app again and re-enter the code.
  • After extensive updates to the operating system, the device registration code may sometimes need to be entered at the next login even though the device was registered previously. This is first and foremost for security reasons. You usually do not need to request a new code: the device registration code is valid for 48 months after it has been entered the first time.
  • Why do I need to register my device?

    By registering your device, your healthcare data and personal information will be even better protected from access by unauthorised persons. Register either your smartphone or your computer just once and the device of your choice will be linked to your Meine SBK account. The device you have registered represents a second security factor alongside the password. This step is required in order for you to be able to use Meine SBK fully. Using two-factor authentication means that SBK is following a new legal guideline for the communication between the health insurer and the customer (GKV-SV guideline regarding contact with customers in accordance with section 217f, paragraph 4, point b, of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V)).

    Can I log into Meine SBK without registering my device?

    Yes, you can log into Meine SBK without registering your device. However, in this case you cannot access areas with particularly sensitive data (indicated by the padlock symbol).

    How do I get full access to all services? 

    In order to be able to use all online services, you must register your smartphone just once using a device registration code. It is important that you log in using your ten-character health insurance number which is on your electronic healthcare card. Note: The first character is always a capital letter.

    What is a device registration code?

    The device registration code is a series of ten characters composed of figures and numbers which you will receive by post after registration or if you request it. With this code you can link your Meine SBK account to your smartphone using two-factor authentication. The smartphone represents a second security factor alongside the password.

    Where do I get my personal device registration code and what can I do if I have not received a device registration code or can no longer find it?

    If you reregister, you will automatically receive your personal device registration code by post within a few working days.

    If you are a new SBK customer, you will automatically receive your personal device registration code by post a few days after your insurance coverage begins.

    Users who are already registered can request a new device registration code in Meine SBK at any time, if, for example, they no longer have their code to hand. In this case, all previous device registration codes are invalidated. 

    What address is the personal device registration code sent to?

    The code is sent to the address we have saved for you in our system. If you have moved house recently, it is best to clarify in advance whether SBK has already stored your new address in our system. In this case, please contact your personal consultant or our support team on 0800 072 572 597 50

    How long is the device registration code valid?

    The device registration code is valid for 48 months from the date it is generated, as long as you have entered it for the first time within 60 days of it being generated. If you do not enter the code for the first time within 60 days of it being generated, the code will be invalidated. In this case, you can request a new device registration code from Meine SBK.

    The device registration code will also become invalid as soon as a new device registration code is requested.

    What happens if I enter the device registration code incorrectly too many times in a row?

    If you enter the device registration code incorrectly five times in a row, the code will be blocked for ten minutes.  

    How many devices can be registered at any one time?

    You can register a maximum of one smartphone (via smartphone app) and one computer (via computer program) at the same time.

    What happens if I register too many devices at the same time?

    If you register more than one smartphone (per smartphone app) and one computer (per computer program) at the same time, this will lead to the previous device which has been registered the longest being automatically signed out while the newly registered devices will remain signed in.

    What is the advantage of registering via smartphone app compared to the computer program?

    By registering via smartphone app you are killing two birds with one stone: once you have entered your device registration code in the Meine SBK app once, you have access to all areas with particularly sensitive data. Furthermore, you will remain flexible and can use the app as a second security factor if you wish to use Meine SBK in your browser. In this case, we will send you an access request on your registered smartphone when you enter areas with particularly sensitive data.

    Do I have to grant the Meine SBK app permission to access the ‘Phone’ function on an Android smartphone?

    Yes. You must grant permission to access the ‘Phone’ function in order to connect the device with your Meine SBK account. Permission will be requested when you first log into the new app version and whenever you log in until you select ‘Do not ask me again’. It is not possible to log in without confirming this permission. The permissions can be altered in the smartphone’s settings. 

    Will I get a new device registration code if I have forgotten my password and I have to set a new password?

    No. If you create a new password, all previous device registrations will be reset for security reasons and you must reregister your device by entering the existing device registration code. If you no longer have this to hand or it is no longer valid, please request a new device registration code in Meine SBK.

    Which documents can I send to SBK using the Meine SBK app?

    You can currently send a variety of documents to us via the Meine SBK app. These include: 

  • Certificate of adoption
  • Certificate parental leave/benefits
  • Certificate of assumed delivery date
  • Certificate of premature birth
  • Birth certificate
  • Pay statement
  • Certificate of marriage
  • Certificate of incapacity for work
  • Pension approval certificate
  • Certificate of enrolment
  • Tax assessment
  • Study certificate
  • Reintegration plan
  • Furthermore, you can submit various invoices and use online forms. The acceptance of further documents is planned.

    How do I best photograph my document?

    Place the document on a level, plain-coloured surface, which contrasts with the document and ensure that the area is well-lit. Hold your device horizontally over the document and ensure that the entire document can be seen on the screen. The photo will be taken automatically as soon as all the criteria are fulfilled. Please then check if the photo is legible and in focus.

    If it is not possible to take the photo automatically, you can also take a photo manually using the relevant button in the app.

    Will my document be submitted instantly if I have a stable internet connection?

    Yes. As soon as you click on ‘Submit’ and have a stable internet connection, the document will be sent. As soon as your document has been received by SBK, you will receive a message in the app saying ‘Thank you very much for sending us your document’.

    What happens to my document if I don’t have an internet connection?

    If you do not have an internet connection when you try and send a document, the submission of the document will be cancelled (Android) or interrupted (iOS). For Android devices, please retry sending the document as soon as a stable internet connection is available again. For iOS, the sending of the document will be automatically restarted as soon as a stable internet connection is available again.

    How long does it take for my document to arrive at SBK?

    Your document will be transmitted to SBK as soon as you submit it. SBK will receive it instantly. Further processing may take several days.

    How big are the images I send to SBK?

    The images are compressed before they are sent. The image size is between approximately 600 KB and 1.5 MB. As a general rule of thumb, the better the camera, the larger the image.

    Why do I need to keep the original document for three months?

    If the image we receive is illegible, we will contact you and ask you to send us the document again. It is therefore important that you still have the original.

    How long are the photos sent to SBK archived for?

    The photos received by SBK are archived for ten years in an electronic form in line with the set statutory data retention periods.

    How long will the sent documents be saved in the app?

    The sent documents will be saved in the app until the app is uninstalled or reinstalled but can be deleted manually at any time.

    Can I delete photos from the app?

    Yes. You can delete documents in the ‘My documents’ section or on the relevant detail pages by clicking on the bin symbol and confirming the action in the subsequent dialog box. If the document has already been submitted, you are only deleting the document from the app, while SBK will retain its copy.

    Can I zoom in on a sent document?

    Yes. By clicking on a document in the ‘My documents’ section, you will be taken to a detail page of a document. There, you can click on the image and enlarge it if needed.

    What can I do if I can’t open my online post?

    Have you already performed two-factor authentication? If not, please use the device registration code to link a smartphone of your choice with your Meine SBK account. You can find out everything you need to know about this under ‘Device registration and two-factor authentication’.

    Why can’t I open any documents in my online post?

    You can see that there are documents in your online post, but you cannot open them by selecting the download symbol?
    Please check whether you have granted all of the required permissions when installing the Meine SBK app. On Android devices, access to the memory must be granted in order to open documents in your online post. You can grant this access as follows:

  • Close the Meine SBK app.
  • Open your device’s settings.
  • Select ‘Apps’ (you may need to select ‘Apps’ twice depending on the operating system).
  • Search for the Meine SBK app.
  • Select ‘Permissions’ and then enable access to ‘Storage’.
  • Where can I find the downloaded documents on my Android device?

    Keep in mind that on Android devices, the selected documents cannot be displayed directly, but are saved to the downloads folder instead.

    Open the file manager – this may be called ‘My Files’ or just ‘Files’ as well, depending on the device. You’ll find the ‘Downloads’ or ‘Download Manager’ folder here, which is where the downloaded documents are stored.

    Who can I contact if I have problems with the app?

    SBK customer service is available to take your call Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on: +49 800 072 572 597 50 (free of charge within Germany).
    Or send us an email to, ideally with a description of the problem or the error message.

    Who can I contact if I want to become an SBK customer?

    Interested in becoming an SBK member? The SBK Prospective Client Hotline will be happy to advise you: call us on +49 800 072 572 570 07 (free of charge within Germany)

    Can I take care of other matters online?

    Yes. You can take care of many enquiries from the comfort of your own home and independent of our opening times in your personal online self-service branch Meine SBK, as well as use exclusive services like online post.


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