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All the information you need concerning your health insurance contribution

Are you an employee with an annual salary of less than €69,300 in the year 2024 (national average)? Then you can take out insurance with SBK as an employee required to pay insurance contributions for statutory health insurance. 

If you are earning more than €69,300 per year (national average), you can voluntarily take out insurance with SBK. This voluntary insurance generally starts on 1 January of the following year – if your salary also exceeds the annual salary limit applicable at that time. If you are starting a new job or changing employers, you can voluntarily take out insurance with SBK right away.

Your SBK social security contributions 2024 

As an employee your gross salary and the SBK contribution rate serve as the basis for your monthly social security contributions, i.e. contributions to health, unemployment, nursing care and pension insurance.

Your contributions are deducted from your total income up to the maximum ‘contribution assessment ceiling’ for the type of insurance in question. These ceilings are uniformly defined each year by lawmakers.

Your employer covers half of the contribution for you, but does not pay the additional contribution or the nursing care insurance premium for those without children.

Health insurance contributions

General contribution rate for employees
Additional contribution for SBK
Total contribution


contribution assessment ceiling

€5,175 monthly
€62,100 annually

Flat contribution rate for low-income employees
(gross salary max. €538; contribution is completely
covered by the employer)


Nursing care insurance contributions

Countrywide contribution rate
(applies to all members with health insurance)


Employer subsidy
(except in the Federal State of Saxony)

(1.2% in Saxony)

contribution assessment ceiling

€5,175 monthly
€62,100 annually

Flat contribution rate for low-income employees
(gross salary max. €538; contribution is completely
covered by the employer)


*For members without children, the contribution rate increases by 0.6% contribution rate points to 4.0% at the end of the month in which the member reaches the age of 23. Members with two or more children receive relief depending on the number of children. You can find a list of contribution rates according to the number of children here.

Unemployment insurance contributions

Contribution rate


Contribution assessment ceiling for old federal states

€7,550 monthly
€90,600 annually

Contribution assessment ceiling for new federal states

€7,450 monthly
€89,400 annually

Pension insurance contributions

Contribution rate18.60%

Contribution assessment ceiling for old federal states

€7,550 monthly
€90,600 annually

Contribution assessment ceiling for new federal states

€7,450 monthly
€89,400 annually

Flat contribution rate for low-income employees
(gross salary max. €538; contribution is completely
covered by the employer)


How to calculate your health insurance contributions

Want to know how much your health insurance contributions will be? Your personal consultant will be happy to help. 

If you earn between €538.01 and €2,000 per month gross (‘midi-jobs’), your employee share of your social security contribution will work out to be lower than the employer share. For this reason, a special formula is used to calculate the contribution. Please contact your personal consultant to learn more.


Changing employers

When you change employers, nothing changes with regard to your health insurance cover. Your new employer just needs a certificate of your membership with us. Simply contact your personal consultant for this. They will be happy to send your employer this certificate. 


Multiple employers

Do you have more than one employer? In this case your total income from all of your individual jobs is generally calculated together. Moreover, your total income will also be used to determine your contribution deductions up to the maximum contribution assessment ceiling. Each employer recalculates the contributions for you and directs them to us. For this reason it is important for you to inform your employer of all of your jobs.


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