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All the information you need concerning insurance and contributions

Studying is a new phase of life that brings with it not only new knowledge but also new topics - for example your health insurance. SBK supports you with all questions relating the insurance and contributions during your studies so that you can concentrate on what really matters.

Free of charge with family insurance

As a student you are generally covered by your parents’ health insurance contribution-free until you reach the age of 25. This is a practical solution, as you save quite a bit from not having to pay contributions – as long as you do not have a monthly income exceeding €505 (2024). With a mini-job, you can earn up to €538 (2024) per month and still benefit from free family insurance. 

Affordable health insurance for students

If you are no longer eligible for free family insurance, because you are over 25 years old, for example, or your income exceeds the limit of €505 (2024), then you can get affordable health insurance for students. You are eligible for student health insurance until the end of the semester in which you turn 30 years old. 

Your monthly SBK contributions on the student tariff 2024

Type of insuranceContribution 2024
Health and nursing care insurance for students under 23 years of age and for students with children€124.40
Health and nursing care insurance for students 23 years of age and older who do not have children*€129.27

*Individuals with statutory insurance who are 23 or older generally pay an additional amount of 0.6% for nursing care insurance.

Note: The basis for the student contribution is the BAföG requirement rate.