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The SBK healthcare card

It’s easy to access all services with the SBK health care card

Your healthcare card gives you access to all services ­­­­ - in doctors' offices, recognized therapists and clinics. The healthcare card has an encrypted chip. Previously, only general data such as name, gender, date of birth, address and insurance number were stored on the health card. If you give your doctor your explicit consent, you can also have health data stored on the card or store it yourself in the SBK electronic health record (ePA).

Your photo on the healthcare card

To ensure that your SBK healthcare card is better protected against misuse, all insured persons over the age of 15 will receive a card with a photo. Insurants who cannot submit a photo for health reasons receive a card without a photo. This might be, for example, someone who is unable to care for themselves and not mobile.

How to upload your photo:

You can upload your photo for the SBK healthcare card online. You can find this function in Meine SBK. Simply register here. Would you prefer to send us your photo by post? Your personal consultant will be happy to send you the appropriate reply card. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about photo uploads.

CAN number = access number

Contactless data exchange through NFC technology

All insurants have a healthcare card with NFC technology. This card enables contactless data exchange. It is easily recognizable by the contactless symbol and the six-digit number at the top of the front. The NFC-enabled healthcare card is a prerequisite for the SBK electronic health record and the e-prescription app (E-Rezept).

Integrated European Health Insurance Card

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for abroad is integrated on the back of the SBK healthcare card. This gives you basic cover in most European countries. For optimum cover abroad, we also recommend an additional foreign travel insurance. Our experts from SBK's overseas consulting service will be happy to advise you on all questions relating to your insurance cover abroad.

The EHIC is valid in the following countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Cyprus (southern part).

Back of the SBK healthcare card: your EHIC

More information on using your healthcare card

Validity: Please always use the SBK healthcare card that we last sent you. As soon as you have received a new healthcare card, your old card is no longer valid and will be blocked, regardless of the validity date printed on it.

Replacement certificate: However, if your healthcare card does not work, we can simply send the doctor's office a replacement certificate. You can also download this replacement certificate yourself at any time from your online self-service branch Meine SBK.


Requesting a new healthcare card

Do you need a new SBK healthcare card? Order it conveniently in Meine SBK.

 To Meine SBK

Electronic healthcare card – your SBK benefits:

  • With your electronic healthcare card, you can make use of all SBK services with doctors, clinics and recognised therapists. Simply present the card when you visit your doctor.
  • It is also a must when travelling within Europe, because the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is printed on the back. With the EHIC, you have basic insurance cover in most European countries.
  • Your photo means the card cannot be used by anyone else.
Jürgen Hartung

"Do you have any questions about the SBK healthcare card and its functions? We will be happy to advise you."