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Responsibility and Sustainability

Who doesn’t want to live a healthy life? We see it as our main responsibility to improve the conditions to make it possible for people to do just that.

Here’s how we live up to that responsibility:

Find out more about these areas:

One Step Closer to Climate-Neutrality

If we want to take responsibility for the health of our customers, we need to start by showing our respect for nature. After all, we can’t be healthy if our planet isn’t healthy. And that’s why we are committed to doing our bit to look after the environment. Where better to start than with a target of our own?

Climate-Neutral Business by 2030

We have our sights set on a specific target. Our business will be completely climate-neutral in 2030. By that point at the latest, we’ll have reduced our carbon emissions to the absolute minimum and we’ll be offsetting any emissions we really can’t avoid. 

This is our plan: 

As a business, we’re also looking at the bigger picture and pushing for environmentally friendly changes to the healthcare system as a whole. As a member of the “Climate-Neutral Healthcare Sector 2035” initiative, we’re committed to helping our society achieve climate neutrality. You can read more about the initiative here.

News Relating to Our Climate Neutrality Target (only available in German)

SBK beschließt Klimaneutralität bis spätestens 2030

Pressemitteilung: Klimaschutz ist Gesundheitsschutz – die SBK verpflichtet sich zur CO2-Neutralität (16.02.2022)

Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse tritt der Initiative „Klimaneutraler Gesundheitssektor 2035“ bei

Pressemitteilung: SBK bekennt sich zur Notwendigkeit konsequenten Klimaschutzes als Voraussetzung für Gesundheit (11.11.2021)

SBK beteiligt sich an Projekt „Klimaretter – Lebensretter“

Pressemitteilung: Ab sofort ist die SBK Teil des Projektes „Klimaretter – Lebensretter“, das die Stiftung viamedica initiiert hat. (06.02.2020)

Promoting a Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

It’s our responsibility to care about your health all the time – not just when you’re seriously ill. And that’s why we want to do all we can to help you live a healthy lifestyle. SBK customers have a long list of health services they can take advantage of, including additional benefits, all kinds of health classes, balance days, and health breaks.

On a mission to promote prevention in all areas of life, we partner up with businesses, welfare institutions, and charities. For example, we work with GORILLA, a health promotion and education program, to support children, teenagers, and young adults.

It’s up to you to decide what’s best for your health. But you can always count on us to be by your side as a health insurance provider committed to sustainability.

Rund um den gesunden Lebensstil

Jede Menge Themen rund um einen gesunden, nachhaltigen Lebensstil finden Sie in unserem Online-Magazin.

Eine Frau und ein Mann spielen bei gutem Wetter im Park Frisbee.

Vorsorge & Prävention

Nutzen Sie unsere zahlreichen Präventionsangebote.


Für eine bessere Prävention und Versorgung kooperieren wir mit verschiedenen Anbietern in den unterschiedlichsten Lebenswelten.

Let's Go GORILLA – für eine gesunde Zukunft!

Die SBK und GORILLA motivieren junge Menschen zu mehr Bewegung und einer ausgewogenen Ernährung.

Fighting for a Sustainable Healthcare System

We see it as our responsibility to make sure high-quality healthcare is available to all and we always make sure we lead by example. All our benefits and services are designed with the needs of our customers – that’s you – in mind. Our standards are high, so you can rest assured that you’ll always be getting the very best treatment and care. We’re transparent about all feedback – positive and negative – and we never stop striving to improve. Our efforts to secure better healthcare are public. We start up discussions in professional circles and bring momentum to the debate about making the healthcare system more caring. It’s our aim to bring about a mindset shift – and we’re targeting other health insurance companies, politicians, and society as a whole.

Nachhaltigkeit im Gesundheitswesen

Am Thema Nachhaltigkeit kommt derzeit niemand vorbei – und das ist gut so. Alle Presse Artikel zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit finden Sie hier.

Menschlichkeit: die Basis eines nachhaltigen Gesundheitssektors

Videocast: Prof. Jochen Werner und Dr. Gertrud Demmler sprechen über die Rolle des Menschen in einem nachhaltigen Gesundheitswesen (16.09.2021)

Transparenzbericht: Die Qualität der SBK in Zahlen

Qualität kann über die richtigen Kennzahlen transparent gemacht werden.