• SBK Customer Hotline

    0800 072 572 572 50

    7 days / 24h toll-free within Germany 

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Everything you need to ensure a healthy childhood

It goes without saying that your child’s health is something that’s incredibly important to you. It is to us, too. So to take some of the load off you as a parent – both emotionally and financially – you and your child can take advantage of the SBK services that have been specially adapted to suit all ages, no matter what life throws your way. From health checks to vaccinations and parental allowance to child sickness benefits, we can provide you with invaluable tips and the best support for you and your child.

Your SBK benefits

  • You will receive additional preventive check-ups for your child - even in adolescence.
  • If you have any questions, you can contact the SBK pregnancy & child health hotline around the clock: 0800 072 572 570 01 (toll-free in Germany).
  • As part of the SBK bonus program, you will receive a bonus for your child's vaccinations and check-ups.
Jessica Hanke

'When your child’s health is at stake, you don’t want to leave anything to chance. I’m always right here to help whenever you need me.'