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    0800 072 572 572 50

    7 days / 24h toll-free within Germany 

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Being abroad - Service and Consulting

All clued-up and in safe hands with SBK.

Whether you’re heading on holiday, studying abroad or jetting off on a foreign business trip, you’ll always be in safe hands with SBK. Together with our experts in the SBK Overseas Consulting team, you are sure to find the ideal travel health insurance and the right vaccinations for your destination, leaving you to relax and enjoy your trip. Your personal consultant will be happy to provide you with further information.

Your SBK benefits

  • The team of experts at SBK's international advisory service will provide you with information on all questions relating to your stay abroad 
  • You receive a 70% subsidy for most travel vaccinations as an additional benefit from SBK
  • Exclusive conditions for our high-performance supplementary travel insurance with our partner ERGO
Michael Zaubzer

'We’ll find the best protection for your international visit in no time.'