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Health checks for men and women

Regular health checks help ensure that health risks and diseases are detected early on

Health checks aim to detect diseases early so they can be treated in time. After all, the earlier a disease is detected, the better the chances of recovery. As an SBK customer, you benefit from our comprehensive screening scheme, which sometimes goes even beyond the statutory requirements.

What to expect during a health check for adults

Regardless of whether the patient is male or female, the doctor first takes a medical history: they ask about illnesses and diseases that have occurred previously in your family. Then they begin the actual examination. The doctor shares the results with you either at the end of the examination or in a follow-up appointment. If the doctor determines that something requires further investigation, they may order more tests. Alternatively, they may provide tips on lifestyle changes that help get your health back on track.

What costs does the SBK cover?

From the age of 35, skin cancer screening every two years is a statutory service and is charged through the health care card. SBK covers the cost of skin cancer screening up a max. of 25 euros each year as an extra service for customers aged 34 and younger. In Bavaria, Lower Saxony and Bremen, screening is covered by the health care card. Screening can be carried out by approved GPs/dermatologists. In Bavaria and Lower Saxony, the costs are only covered for participating practitioners. Your personal consultant will gladly provide you with information on participating practitioners.

How to get a health check

Health checks are carried out by participating practitioners. Learn which specialists can examine you in each case under ‘Health checks for women’ or ‘Health checks for men’.

Overview of preventive check-ups

Here you will find an overview of all information on the preventive medical check-ups