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Nutritional Counselling

Individual advice for an optimal diet

With the right diet, you just feel better. Eating healthily has a positive impact on your health and can aid healing processes. Nutritional counselling helps you make long-lasting improvements to your eating habits.

Nutritional counselling options

There are different ways to get nutritional counselling. If you primarily want to lose weight by getting active, you can take a certified health class on the topic of exercise and an active lifestyle. 

If you want to find out more about nutrition, you can join others in a certified health class to learn from an expert about everything about a healthy diet.

You can also get individual nutritional counselling. In a one-on-one consultation, experts examine your diet in detail. You then work with a nutritionist to draw up the ideal nutrition plan for you. You also get valuable tips about meals and food, so you can easily implement your plan in your day-to-day life. You can get individual nutritional counselling if your doctor refers you for nutritional counselling.

How to get nutritional counselling:

If you would like to get nutritional counselling through a certified health class, just contact your personal consultant. You pay the class fee to the class organiser upfront. Once you have taken the class, please get your class instructor to complete the attendance certificate form (download below) and send this form to SBK, 80227 Munich, Germany. We will then transfer the reimbursement amount directly to your bank account.

Attendance certificate PDF, 56 KB

If you would like to get individual nutritional counselling, please contact your personal consultant. You must have a referral for nutritional counselling from your doctor.