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Medicines and dressings

All the information you need on co-payments and discount agreements for medications

Medicines and dressings are often an important component of therapy, whether to treat a minor infection or a more sustained illness. We support your recovery by covering a majority of the costs of your prescription medication. This page provides important information on medicines and dressings, discount agreements, co-payment rules, what prescription colours mean and much more.


How to get medicines and dressings:

Simply present your doctor’s prescription to your pharmacist. You will then be given the prescription medication or dressing and pay the statutory co-payment. If the price of the medicine exceeds the fixed amount for statutory health insurers for this medication, you pay the difference from your own pocket. But your doctor will generally be able to prescribe you an alternative preparation that does not come with additional costs. 

You cover the cost of non-prescription medication and private prescriptions yourself. As a statutory health insurer, SBK is not allowed to cover these costs for you.