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Rehabilitation sport and functional training

Rehabilitation sport and functional training support chronically ill individuals

With a chronic illness, it is very important to find the right exercise therapy approaches. Rehabilitation sports and functional training offer targeted exercises to improve your quality of life. These exercises strengthen your endurance, strength, coordination and flexibility. The SBK supports you on your way to greater well-being.

Rehabilitationssport und Funktionstraining im Überblick

Rehabilitation sport includes movement therapy exercises. These exercises help you increase your stamina, strength, coordination and flexibility. Rehabilitation sports include gymnastics, athletics, swimming and group movement games. Other rehabilitation sports include exercises to boost self-confidence in disabled women and girls and those at risk of becoming disabled. Karate, judo and relaxation exercises are also well-suited to rehab. 

Functional training also helps you with illnesses or functional limitations of the organs of support and motion. It targets the muscles and joints by means of physiotherapy and ergotherapy, allowing you to improve your physical functions and counteract loss of function in individual organ systems or body parts. Types of training include water-based or regular gymnastics in the form of group exercises. 

These two temporary measures can help you maximise your quality of life. Furthermore, you will achieve greater relief from symptoms by strengthening the organs and the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, you also get the motivation and impetus to integrate the movements you have learnt into your everyday routine.

How to get rehabilitation sport and functional training:

Together with your doctor, you decide on the type and duration of the rehabilitation sport and functional training. Then, following a detailed discussion with your doctor, you will be given a prescription. Please send this to SBK, 80227 Munich, Germany for approval. You will be notified as soon as your personal consultant has reviewed the documentation.

We pledge to assume all costs for rehabilitation sport and functional training if you are approved. You will not be charged for anything. Please contact a suitable and approved facility that offers rehabilitation sport and functional training. You will need to present the original prescription certified by us to the facility along with your SBK health care card. They will then contact us for payment – you don't need to do anything else.


Finding a facility

Your personal consultant will be happy to help you find a facility.