• SBK Customer Hotline

    0800 072 572 572 50

    7 days / 24h toll-free within Germany 

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    personal consultant

    How can I help you?

Personal advice

At SBK, our advice centres around quick, direct support.

Rest assured that you are always in safe hands with your personal SBK consultant when it comes to your health. You can relax in the knowledge that you will always be offered a solution that has been specifically tailored to suit you and your individual circumstances. Your personal consultant is there to act in your best interests and respond to any questions you may have. You can also count on a wide range of advisory services backed up by an entire team of experts.

Your SBK benefits

  • Our appointment service arranges specialist appointments for you. You can use this service by telephone or simply online.
  • Our health hotline provides you with 24/7 advice on medicines and illnesses from doctors and medical staff - also specifically for pregnant women and parents.
Tanja Viechter

Your health insurer should treat you as an individual, right? As your personal consultant, I always act in your best interests. Especially when it matters most.